getting rid of stubborn xtra pounds..

For the past ten years i have struggled with my weight.. nothing seemed to work for me since i lacked the discipline to follow the strict rules of dieting.. i always end up defeated.. the scale was slowly rising.. i have tried those chinese products before.. twice..i did lose weight but then i gained it all back..and mysterious rashes suddenly appeared on my legs.. bummer huh.. this year was my heaviest it's disgusting..i was close to obesity.. i can't even look at my pictures.. i had man arms and beer belly.. eewww!! then a friend of mine suggested this master cleanse diet.. it was a very strict diet.. which i hate.. you're supposed to drink only the concoction prescribed everytime u felt hungry.. NO SOLID FOOD AT ALL.. on my 2nd and a half day.. i gave up.. lol.. i saw food and devoured it.. lol.. so the cycle began.. my weight was creeping up and up.. then i decided to run.. i joined this program in but i didn't follow it religiously..i didn't watch my no matter how long and often i ran.. my weight was not budging..i decided to give the master cleanse another chance.. i did it "quite" religiously.. lol.. "quite" meaning i cheated sometimes.. i would pop a veggie or whatever's on the table every now and then.. but in just small amounts.. i did it for 12 days.. hooray!! with minor cheating.. ahaha.. and in 12 days i lost 10 pounds!! yey!! i was so happy.. so i have stopped doin the cleanse.. im now counting calories and doing exercises 4 to 5 times a week.. i plan to lose ten more pounds.. then i would be the happiest girl in the world!! ahaha..according to the android app i have downloaded.. i got until october to lose the ten lbs.. it takes more time.. i know.. compared to the master cleanse.. maybe i'll do the cleanse again one of these days to speed up the process.. right now i just want to it another way.. by eating something.. not depriving myself.. wish me luck!!


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