
Showing posts from July, 2011

Doctors Not in their Clinics

I just wanna share with you guys my experience with MOST doctors i have visited. It was my day off from work.. I was psyched to go to a dermatologist ( ACNE loves me so much.. for the past 30 years it never left my ok.. for the past 31 years).. so i went with my mom who wants an appointment too.. we arrive there all smiles thinking that we'll finally get a facial or some treatment..well.. apparently she was in a meeting.. so we decided to come back after lunch.. we went to a nearby mall to kill time.. and by killing time.. i got to spend money on lunch and gas.. these weren't at all necessary if the doc was already after killing time we went back.. guess what?? she's not in yet.. The secretary said that she was still in a meeting..aarrrgh! we decided to just go home and come back the next day.. all those time and money wasted coz the doc was not in.. this happened to me with my OB too..i went to her office.. but guess again.. she was in a conference

getting rid of stubborn xtra pounds..

For the past ten years i have struggled with my weight.. nothing seemed to work for me since i lacked the discipline to follow the strict rules of dieting.. i always end up defeated.. the scale was slowly rising.. i have tried those chinese products before.. twice..i did lose weight but then i gained it all back..and mysterious rashes suddenly appeared on my legs.. bummer huh.. this year was my heaviest it's disgusting..i was close to obesity.. i can't even look at my pictures.. i had man arms and beer belly.. eewww!! then a friend of mine suggested this master cleanse diet.. it was a very strict diet.. which i hate.. you're supposed to drink only the concoction prescribed everytime u felt hungry.. NO SOLID FOOD AT ALL.. on my 2nd and a half day.. i gave up.. lol.. i saw food and devoured it.. lol.. so the cycle began.. my weight was creeping up and up.. then i decided to run.. i joined this program in but i didn't follow it religiously..i didn't watch